Understanding the Development of the Theme of Friendship in Saint Augustine that Culminates in Christian Fraternal Charity
The theme of this paper is ‘Understanding the development of the theme of Friendship in Saint Augustine that culminates in Christian fraternal charity’. When we study Augustine, we come to understand that the theme of friendship is being developed out of his own experience of friendship. In what follows, I hope to show that not only was friendship instrumental for Augustine’s own conversion and growth in the spiritual life, but that it is also essential for all Christians to grow in charity, and is therefore a great contribution to Christian spirituality. I will explain in this paper how the friends of Augustine in his adolescence, young adulthood and adulthood influenced him in both good and bad ways, and how the Christian concept of friendship is being developed. It will attempt to answer how our friendship is helpful for us in our Christian living to seek God, to grow in charity and to attain salvation.