The Cloud of Unknowing


  • Richard Green, O.Carm


The Cloud of Unknowing is a book of spiritual advice written in Middle English by an anonymous author towards the end of the 14th century. This was during a golden period for English religious writing, which resulted in a number of works still read today. Writings by Walter Hilton (d.1396) and Richard Rolle (d.1349) have been translated into modern English and are available in the Classics of Western Spirituality series. Two female religious authors of the time are even better known, and have had a wide influence. Julian of Norwich (c.1342–after 1416) was an anchoress who wrote two accounts of the revelations that she experienced. Margery Kempe (c.1373–c.1440) was a married woman, who had many mystical experiences and travelled widely, even making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. She dictated the story of her life in a book which was rediscovered by chance in the 1930s, and has since enjoyed great popularity.







